Microcomputer automatic calorimeter mainly consisting of thermostatic Shell calorimeter and microcomputer etc is a kind of versatile and automated heating testing instrument controlled by computer software and capable of data processing. The instrument features in accuracy, easiness to operate, reliability and attractive appearance and so on which is widely used in determination of calorific value of combustible substances such as coal, petroleum, chemical, food, timber as well as explosives and so on.
實驗步驟Experimental procedure
1. 測試發(fā)熱量:Testing heat value
(1)開機步驟:Procedure of turning on the computer
把量熱儀和制冷機電源插頭插到電源上,打開量熱儀電源開關,“雙擊”電腦桌面上的“微機全自動量熱儀”快捷方式。圖(1) “點擊”圖(2)出現圖(3)“點擊”確定,進入量熱儀操作界面“圖4”。
Plug the calorimeter and refrigerator power into the socket, turn on the power of calorimeter, and “double-click” the shortcut of “Microcomputer automatic calorimeter” on the desktop. Figure (1) “Click” Figure (2) to witness Figure (3) and then click “enter” to enter user interface of the calorimeter "Fig4."
在坩堝內稱?。ㄐ∮?.2mm)0.9-1.1g 分析試樣。將點火絲分別接在氧彈兩支電極柱上,如不加棉線,點火絲要與試樣保持良好接觸,并注意勿使點火絲接觸坩堝。向氧彈內加入10ml蒸餾水,旋緊氧彈蓋,輕輕放在沖氧儀上,氧氣壓力調整到2.8-3.0Mpa,充15-30S,(時間不得小于15S)將氧彈放入內筒中,蓋上量熱儀上蓋,點擊 圖(4)“開始”按鈕,系統開始測試 圖(5),在實驗過程中輸入樣重;硫;氫;水,點火熱等數據,測試結束后軟件自動計算出結果并在屏幕上顯示出來。圖(6)(2)
Heat operation:
Take (less than 0.2mm) 0.9-1.1g sample from the crucible for analysis. Connect the ignition wires to two electrodes column of oxygen bomb respectively, if without cotton, the ignition wire should stay a good contact with the sample and should get touch with the crucible. Then add 10ml of distilled water into the Oxygen bomb tighten the cover and gently place it on Oxygen meter, adjust oxygen pressure to 2.8-3.0Mpa for 15-30S, (no less than 15S). Put oxygen bomb into the barrel, cover calorimeter lid, click figure (4) "Start" button, then the system begins the test figure(5), During the experiment; input sample weight, sulfur; hydrogen; water, ignition and so on so that software can automatically calculate the results and display them on the screen after test is completed. Figure (6)